Healing Our Emotional Body

Healing Our Emotional Body


This book is full of remedies, tools, exercises and affirmations to help you gain awareness and mastery of your emotions.

By reading this book, you will discover:

  • How negative emotions can be the cause of body ailments

  • How to hear your body when it talks, especially when it is under constant emotional pressure

  • How to use simple daily routines to achieve a healthy and balanced emotional body

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About the Author

Maria-Dolores is a Board Certified Traditional Naturopath, Certified Aromatherapist specialized in Clinical Aromatherapy, a Certified Natural Health Professional, Certified Nutritional Consultant, Licensed Esthetician, and Educator.

In 1991, Maria-Dolores introduced Clinical Aromatherapy in the Dallas, Texas area, providing consultations, treatment, and developing formulas for her client’s home care programs. Following her highly successful practice, she created Lavanda®, a line of Aromatherapy Botanical Products developed from custom-made formulas.

As the founder of Aromatherapy Institute, Inc., and Lavanda Academy, Inc., Maria-Dolores created, developed and teaches all the courses and workshops the Institute and Academy offer and she has gained national recognition as a leading authority in her field. She continues her successful practice helping hundreds of clients and students regain their emotional health through her consultations and treatments. For her contributions, Maria-Dolores was an Honored Professional of the National Directory of WHO’s WHO in Executive & Professionals (1996-1997 edition) and has been featured in Dallas Women’s Magazine as an entrepreneur in her field (1993).

This information is not intended to replace conventional medical attention. Please seek appropriate care from your health care professional for what ails you.